Aktualizacja oprogramowania dla FortiClient’a dedykowanego dla systemu operacyjnego MacOS o numerze 6.0.1 przyniosła nam między innymi nowy, odświeżony, graficzny interfejs użytkownika. Następną nowością jest przesyłanie informacji o zainstalowanych aplikacjach do EMS i możliwość wyświetlenia tych danych. Niektóre elementy są teraz łatwiej dostępne i widoczne z powodu dodanego paska nawigacyjnego, a całość jest przyjemna dla oka.
Wprowadzone poprawki:
Malware Protection
Bug ID Description
476454 Exclusions not being obeyed on FortiClient (macOS).
Web Filter
Bug ID Description
445380 Add option to show block message from FortiClient bubble popup for HTTPS site.
462107 AFP access is slow when Web Filter or malicious websites is enabled.
465234 Captive portal app shows blank page.
469400 Misspelled XML attribute in FortiClient (macOS) 5.6.3.
485005 Support new Web Filter categories (9X) in FortiClient and EMS.
477771 Add option to not block „unrated” if FortiGuard cannot be contacted.
Remote Access
Bug ID Description
459788 Memory leak in SSL VPN.
458782 Unable to connect to IPsec VPN using okta two factor authentication.
467414 SSL VPN issues using FortiClient (macOS).
482160 SSL VPN split tunneling does not work for DNS resolution – SSL custom DNS replaced system DNS.
Install and upgrade
Bug ID Description
475421 FortiClient (macOS) update does not try to contact more than one server.
473975 FortiClient managed by corporate EMS on Mac removes custom VPN profiles upon upgrade.
471128 SSO-only installer for Mac.
487211 FortiClient would not automatically start on other users on macOS High Sierra (version 10.13).
Bug ID Description
503405 Vulnerable application path does not show vulnerable file.
Bug ID Description
477322 Update AV and IPS engines and signatures to new versions.
491488 Should update IPS engine when Application Firewall is not installed.
502108 FSSO agent does not communicate to FortiAuthenticator.
Znane problemy:
Application Firewall
Bug ID Description
494032 Selecting Block known attack communication channels fails.
Web Filter
Bug ID Description
498203 Exclusion list does not block pages.
Remote Access
Bug ID Description
505349 Save Password, Auto-connect, Always up do not work properly.
Install and upgrade
Bug ID Description
495862 IPsec pre-shared key lost when package installed by another user on the same endpoint.
Bug ID Description
467328 Logs for vulnerability scan should include file path.
Bug ID Description
479913 Quarantined Mac PC does not block traffic
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