FortiClient EMS 6.0.1
Łatka wraz z paroma nowościami dla FortiClient EMS oznaczona numerem 6.0.1 właśnie ujrzała światło dzienne! Wprowadzono zmiany mające na celu ulepszenie integracji FortiClient’a ze skanerem w FortiSandbox’ie. Następną istotną kwestią jest Micro-FortiGuard Server. FortiClient może pobierać aktualizacje oprogramowania jak i sygnatury lokalnie z Micro-FortiGuard Server’a zamiast łączyć się z FortiGuard Distribution Server. To dobre rozwiązanie dla administratorów którzy mają potężną ilość klientów końcowych, ponieważ możemy w ten sposób zaoszczędzić przepustowość sieci WAN.
Rozwiązane problemy:
Endpoints (AD domains, workgroups)
Bug ID Description
497116 One of OUs from the same domain goes to unmanaged status automatically.
Endpoint profiles
Bug ID Description
492613 The length of [dbo].[group_container].[dn] should be increased to 1024 chars (or higher).
445380 Add option to show block message from FortiClient bubble popup for HTTPS site.
480822 EMS option to control (enable/disable) sending of vulnerability statistics in FortiClient.
489959 AD daemon always at 25%.
FortiClient deployment
Bug ID Description
495908 EMS not assigning installer to most endpoints.
496947 Signing software packages with EMS fails.
Bug ID Description
468898 Disabled TLS 1.0 support to be compliant with PCI-DSS 3.2
474317 Setting option names in EMS GUI are not clear.
491635 First Detected in Software Inventory should be local time.
492216 Editing LDAP user permissions is not working.
495534 FCEMS_UpdateDaemon consuming 100% CPU
Znane problemy do rozwiązania:
Endpoint profiles
Bug ID Description
483826 FortiClient sending IPsec SA delete when xauth is not completed in two minutes.
487488 Provide a message when profile cannot be opened due to missed signatures.
496118 Port 8443 used by EMS for Chromebooks, and should not be assigned to regular EMS.
497672 Add GUI option for allowing websites when a rating error occurs.
500009 EMS failed to push Sandbox synced high risk extensions list to FortiClient.
500061 Sandbox extension list should not be all.
FortiClient deployment
Bug ID Description
496895 When using EMS to upgrade FortiClient from 5.6 to 6.0.0, installer waits until someone logs
in to start.
Notifications and email
Bug ID Description
468475 Email alerts stopped working.
489562 Mail server rejecting EMS email alerts.
Bug ID Description
414539 EMS should get renewal licenses information from FDS.
482404 Clearing logs via GUI is incomplete.
502049 Summary LDAP query returned an error (code referral).
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